Thursday, August 26, 2010


Shinjuku Club Heights
675 fans

Opening Match - Akashi "Tiger" Nakamura [Freestyle - JAPAN] (11-8 Overall, 1-4 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Masanaka Katakura [Kickbxoing - JAPAN] (0-4 Overall, 0-2 CONDOR)

Katakura comes out using his only advantage - speed, to harass Nakamura. Nakamura eats several blows, but ends up pushing Katakura against the ropes. After a short stalemate, Nakamura trips Katakura to the ground and goes to work from the guard. Time runs out before Katakura can take much damage. Nakamura throws a lazy shoot to open round two and eats a strong counter. Nakamura reels from the blow and Katakura unloads with rapid punches, but Nakamura survives the onslaught to see round three. Nakamura recovers for round three and settles into counter punching with Katakura after Katakura stuffs another takedown. It proves to be less then effective for Nakamura as Katakura lands at will to end round three.

Surprising performance by Katakura. He just had too much movement speed for Nakamura to keep up with. And the short turn around between fights couldn't have helped either.

Masanaka Katakura (1-4 Overall, 1-2 CONDOR) defeated Akashi "Tiger" Nakamura (11-9 Overall, 1-5 CONDOR) by unanimous decision.

Second Match - Demitri Prerovsky [Sambo - RUSSIA] (9-2 Overall, 1-0 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Lee Jung Hyun [Tae Kwon Do - KOREA] (1-1 Overall, 1-1 CONDOR)

Prerovsky makes the mistake of coming out to strike with the Tae Kwon Do. Hyun quickly makes Prerovsky regret it with sharp kicks and punches to Prerovsky's body. In desperation, Prerovsky bullies Hyun into the ropes, holding him there until the end of the round. Prerovsky has clear respect for Hyun's striking in round two, as he almost flees from the sight of Hyun throwing anything. Good movement keeps Hyun at bay until Prerovsky can lock him into another body clinch, pushing him against the ropes once more to end the round. Round three is much the same with a tiring Prerovsky pushing Hyun against the ropes. This time Prerovsky adds some dirty boxing on the Korean. All goes as planned, until Hyun, the Tae Kwon Do fighter, suddenly latches on a tight guillotine! Prerovsky gives a short fight before submitting in a shocker!

What a surprising result. Rumor had it that Prerovsky had difficulty in preparation for the fight, but credit to Hyun for pulling out the upset victory.

Lee Jung Hyun (2-1 Overall, 2-1 CONDOR) defeated Dmitri Prerovsky (9-3 Overall, 1-1 CONDOR) with a Guillotine at 2'41 in the First Round.

Third Match - Jacob Loevaas [Kick Boxing - NETHERLANDS] (9-8 Overall, 1-2 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Tokimitsu Hosokawa [Wrestling - JAPAN] (1-1-1 Overall, 0-1-1 CONDOR)

Loevaas comes out looking to kick against Hosokawa which proves to be an outright idiotic move as the wrestler Hosokawa catches a kick and spears Loevaas to the ground. Hosokawa quickly transitions to mount and pounds away on Loevaas. Only Hosokawa's ineffectual G&P and Loevaas's toughness keeps him in the fight as the round expires. Round two opens with Loevaas using speed to tire Hosokawa out, which seems to be working. The gassed wrestler still has enough to drag Loevaas to the ground and easily slice through Loevaas's guard. However, once again, Loevaas is able to weather the storm and make it to round three. Hosokawa is gasping for breath as Loevaas dances in and out, far and away from Hosokawa. Adding to Hosokawa's discomfort is several stinging low kicks. Suddenly, Loevaas explodes with offense and bombards Hosokawa with punches trapping him against the ropes! The referee dives in right as Hosokawa collapses!

Awesome showing by Loevaas. It was clearly his goal to tire out the much stronger wrestler and after two rounds of domination it gave Loevaas his path to victory.

Jacob Loevaas (10-8 Overall, 2-2 CONDOR) defeated Tokimitsu Hosokawa (1-2-1 Overall, 0-2-1 CONDOR) by TKO at 2'52 in the Third Round.

Fourth Match - Naoyuki Fuchida [Freestyle - JAPAN] (18-8 Overall, 2-2 CONDOR) ~Versus~ James Scott [Freestyle Wrestling - USA] (6-3 Overall, 2-2 CONDOR)

Fuchida opens up the fight by shooting on the former Olympic alternate. This proves to be a horrible idea as Scott stuffs, then pushed Fuchida into the ropes where he slowly (slooooowly) works over Fuchida from the clinch with dirty boxing to end the round. Round two is EXACTLY the same with Fuchida trying to shoot in again. Rinse Lather Repeat from Round One. Fuchida opens up round three by, you guessed it, shooting in for the takedown. This time he gets it giving Fuchida a moral victory. Scott clamps down on Fuchida for all he's worth resulting in Fuchida being unable to pass. The round expires.

A stupid gameplan by Fuchida. Had he pulled guard or even allowed Scott to take him down, the fight could have been totally different. However Fuchida decided to play Scott's game. It cost him the fight.

James Scott (7-3 Overall, 3-2 CONDOR) defeated Naoyuki Fuchida (18-9 Overall, 2-3 CONDOR) by unanimous decision.

Semi Final Match - Masanori Ito [Submission Wrestling - JAPAN] (7-3 Overall, 2-1 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Yoshikazu Naito [Karate - JAPAN] (5-1 Overall, 2-0 CONDOR)

Naito opens up with a front kick, which is caught by Ito who uses it to take Naito down to the ground. Naito's ground defense has progressed significantly, as he clamps to Ito for all he's worth to get through the round. Naito opens up round two using his awkward stance and movements to pester Ito with strikes before throwing the same front kick with the same result as round one. Nothing happens from there. Round three shows Naito still hasn't learned his lesson as he tries the front kick once again. Ito spears Naito down, but Naito finally fights back as he kicks off Ito. They scramble, but Ito manages to take Naito's back. Naito spins out of it, but manages to spin right into a knee bar by Ito. Naito kicks Ito off frantically and the fight ends with Naito standing over Ito...

Masanori Ito (8-3 Overall, 3-1 CONDOR) defeated Yoshikazu Naito (5-2 Overall, 2-1 CONDOR) by unanimous decision

FINAL MATCH - Tsubasa Sakuro [Judo - JAPAN] (2-1 Overall, 2-1 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Yuki Uematsu [Freestyle - JAPAN] (17-13 Overall, 2-2 CONDOR)

Neither man is a striking wizard, as they mutually lock up against each other. Sakuro pushes Uematsu against the ropes. After over a minute of this, Uematsu fights back and reverses so that Sakuro's back is against the ropes. Sakuro counters on his own by suddenly locking Uematsu in a TIGHT Guillotine, but the round expires before Uematsu is in too much danger. Sakuro displays his multifaceted game in round two, as he blasts Uematsu with several hard shots to stun the elder statesman, before shooting in for an easy takedown. Uematsu can do nothing to shift the former Olympic Judoka to end round two. Uematsu desperately attempts to keep Sakuro from locking onto him for round three's opening period but eventually can do nothing to avoid being judo thrown. Uematsu scrambles, but Sakuro locks him down on the ground before slipping to his back. Sakuro works diligently for a choke but Uematsu turtles and does his absolute best to avoid the hold as time finally expires.

A dominating if unspectacular victory for the Lion of Oita as he now works his way back into championship contention.

Tsubasa Sakuro (3-1 Overall, 3-1 CONDOR) defeated Yuki Uematsu (17-14 Overall, 2-3 CONDOR) by unanimous decision.

CONDOR FC Odds & Ends - Feburary 2009

CONDOR FC Odds & Ends - Feburary 2009

- Riley Jacobs, 3-4 Overall, announced his retirement from Mixed Martial Arts to enter as a trainer full time at his own gym, Jacobs Combat Experience. This has forced a rebooking of the upcoming CONDOR FC.9 ~ BLUE SKY RIDE event. Fresh off yet another loss, Akashi "Tiger" Nakamura has stepped up to face Masanaka Katakura in what should be a gimme fight for Nakamura.

- A rash of team changes have taken place in the last month as CONDOR FC fighters look to gain competitive advantages.

- Masanaka Katakura has joined the SONIC SPEED Muay Thai team, joining Michiyoshi Takase and Kinshiro Murata.

- The TBF Club gained several new members, as Tsubasa Sakuro, Lee Jung Hyun & Tokimitsu Hosokawa all joined.

- Shinjiro Sonoda and Yoshiro Ito joined Hachiro Fujii's "BLOOD AND GUTS" team.

- P-PARASITAL also was bolstered as Takeshi Yamada and Kinjiro Takeda joined.

- Andrew Brown was invited as a guest to Team Olympiad.

- Yoshikazu Naito joined Tokyo PUREBREED.

What all this means, is that now more then ever, more CONDOR FC fighters are training together making match making difficult for Kazu Kobayashi...

- The upcoming revised CONDOR FC.9 line up is thus:

Shinjuku Club Heights (1,000)

1. Akashi "Tiger" Nakamura vs. Masanaka Katakura
2. Dmitri Prerovsky vs. Lee Jung Hyun
3. Jacob Loevaas vs. Tokimitsu Hosokawa
4. Naoyuki Fuchida vs. James Scott
5. Masanori Ito vs. Yoshikazu Naito
6. Tsubasa Sakuro vs. Yuki Uematsu


Tokyo Korakuen Hall
959 fans

Opening Match - Takeshi Yamada [Kick Boxing - JAPAN] (5-8 Overall, 0-3 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Akira Kitaoka [Freestyle Wrestling - JAPAN] (1-3 Overall, 0-3 CONDOR)

Complete domination by Akira Kitaoka, who may have finally figured out his skills and tactics. Yamada opened up the first stanza with some nice jabs, but could do nothing as Akira Kitaoka shot in with a fierce takedown. From there Kitaoka sliced through Yamada's guard like butter before securing a jujigatame from the mount for the easy submission.

With four straight easy loses, one has to think the kickboxer Yamada is done in CONDOR...

Akira Kitaoka (2-3 Overall, 1-3 CONDOR) defeated Takeshi Yamada (5-9 Overall, 0-4 CONDOR) at 2'39 with a Jujigatame in the First Round.

Second Match - Andrew Brown [MMA - USA] (7-5 Overall, 0-1 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Kinshiro Murata [Muay Thai - JAPAN] (5-6 Overall, 0-1 CONDOR)

Both men attempt to counter punch in round one, with Brown attempting to counter Murata's flurries with singular strong attacks. Round two opens up much of the same before a grappling battle against the ropes begin. Neither man has the wrestling to control the other leading to a sloppy series of reversals against the ropes. Brown once again attempts to wrestle Murata into the ropes. Murata fights back spiritedly but ends up giving his back to Brown. Brown attempts a hilariously sloppy choke before Murata Judo throws him to the ground. Somehow in the ensuing scramble, Brown is able to counter Murata and take HIM down from his back. Fight ends with Brown unable to do anything on top of Murata.

Not the best showing by any means for either man. Should be Brown's decision however.

Andrew Brown (8-5 Overall, 1-1 CONDOR) defeated Kinshiro Murata (5-7 Overall, 0-2 CONDOR) by unanimous decision.

Third Match - Akashi "Tiger" Nakamura [Freestyle - JAPAN] (11-7 Overall, 1-3 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Shinjiro Sonoda [Nanto Seiken - JAPAN] (2-2 Overall, 2-2 CONDOR)

Nakamura fakes out Sonoda with jabs before shooting in, only to have Sonoda counter and take him down. From there, Nakamura uses a neutralizing guard to keep Sonoda from doing much of anything as he (Nakamura) looks for an armbar that's never there. Round two opens up with Sonoda's significant speed advantage coming into play as he pesters Nakamura with jabs before shooting in. Nakamura sprawls, and Sonoda settles for pushing Nakamura against the ropes. This is where they stay for the rest of the round. Sonoda and Nakamura come out swinging to open round three. Neither man lands, but in the ensuing grapple, Nakamura suddenly judo throws Sonoda. Sonoda lands safely and rolls to his feet only to have Nakamura bullrush him into the ropes. Sonoda struggles to get free of Nakamura, but is scooped up and slammed back to the ground to finish the fight and go to the score cards.

Should be a two rounds to one win for Sonoda...

Shinjiro Sonoda (3-2 Overall, 3-2 CONDOR) defeated Akashi Nakamura (11-8 Overall, 1-4 CONDOR) by unanimous decision.

Fourth Match - Hernando Perra [Jiu Jitsu - BRAZIL] (10-3 Overall, 2-1 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Maksim Mielkus [Brawling - LITHUANIA] (6-0 Overall, 1-0 CONDOR)

Unwilling to deal with Mielkus's scorching punching power, Perra immediately spears Mielkus to the ground. From there, Perra easily transitions to mount and blasts Mielkus's face in until Perra is pulled off by the referee. Very impressive showing by "The Dog".

Hernando Perra (11-3 Overall, 3-1 CONDOR) defeated Maksim Mielkus (6-1 Overall, 1-1 CONDOR) at 2'04 in the First Round.

Semi Final Match - Natsuo Nozaki [Freestyle - JAPAN] (5-2 Overall, 2-0 CONDOR] ~Versus~ Yoshiro Ito [Freestyle - JAPAN] (9-3 Overall, 2-2 CONDOR)

Despite being evenly matched on paper, Nozaki gets Ito to the ground off a double leg immediately. Ito does his best to maintain guard, but Nozaki is able to escape to side. However, Ito dutifully fends off Nozaki's attempts to mount resulting in a stalemate...Round two occurs exact opposite of round one as Ito scores the takedown with Nozaki being unable to escape. Nozaki does use a better defensive guard then Ito applied resulting in Ito being locked in Nozaki's guard. Nozaki opens up the final round looking to strike. It costs him, as Ito ducks under to secure what should be the fight winning takedown as Nozaki once again can do nothing to shake Ito's top control.

Both men need to desperately work on their takedown defense and defensive guard to stand a chance at the higher uppermost of CONDOR, but Ito should have done just enough to score a decision.

Yoshiro Ito (10-3 Overall, 3-2 CONDOR) defeated Natsuo Nozaki (5-3 Overall, 2-1 CONDOR) by unanimous decision

FINAL MATCH ~ KING of CONDOR Elimination Bout - Gabriel Morais [Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - BRAZIL] (13-6 Overall, 4-1 CONDOR) ~Versus~ Hachiro Fujii [Boxing - JAPAN] (4-1 Overall, 4-1 CONDOR)

The winner of this match faces Michiyoshi "King of CONDOR" Takase in March. Both Morais and Fujii have previously fought Takase with Takase emerging victorious in both accounts. With personal vengeance and a championship fight hanging over their heads, what can we expect?

Morais opens up with strikes. An odd choice for facing a former professional boxer. It proves to be a ruse as Morais shoots in. Fujii stuffs the takedown resulting in a clinch. Morais pushes Fujii into the ropes, and as Fujii attempts to escape Morais slips behind. Morias drags Fujii to the ground, but Fujii scrambles back to his feet. Morais, realizing the takedown won't work, suddenly throws his legs around for a knee bar. Fujii pulls his leg free, but falls into guard. With ten seconds left, Morais throws up an armbar, but Fujii guts through the pain to survive round one! Fujii lands several strong punches to open round two, enough to convince Morais to shoot in. Fujii stuffs again, but Morais pulls guard. Fujii attempts to escape but Morais holds onto him like a anaconda. Morais attempts a triangle choke, but Fujii fights it off, only to have Morais lock on another armbar. The threat is enough to allow Morais to turn Fujii over and get top position. Fujii scrambles again, but Morais slips behind Fujii but Fujii is once again saved as time runs out. Morais uses his superior grappling to push Fujii into the ropes, hoping to use the ropes against Fujii's takedown defense. Morais manages to slip behind Fujii standing, but this time Fujii holds his composure and doggedly denies Morais the submission that Morais desperately desires. With no submission and no progress, the round runs out sending it the judges.

Unlike all the other JD's on the card, this was an exciting affair. Morais could have ended the fight at any time, but only determination and a fierce defensive style kept Fujii going. However, it should be a decision for Gabriel Morais setting up the rematch.

Gabriel Morais (14-6, 5-1 CONDOR) defeated Hachiro Fujii (4-2 Overall, 4-2 CONDOR) by unanimous decision