Tuesday, April 29, 2008


CONDOR FC’s debut show saw a disappointing 1,119 fans gather for the event…However, before the show, president Kazu Kobayashi came out to greet the fans and announced that after the show tonight, details on the next CONDOR FC event would be revealed, along with other major information adding that CONDOR FC would be around for time to come!

THE FIRST MATCH ~ RED CORNER - AKIRA KITAOKA [168 cm / 66 kg / Greco-Roman Wrestling / JAPAN] ~VERSUS~ BLUE CORNER - YOSHIRO ITO [175 cm / 70 kg / FREE STYLE / JAPAN]

Both fighters came together immediately, with Ito trying to work close in with short punches and uppercuts, however, Kitaoka tried to get Ito to the mat, and after a minute finally succeeded in doing so. From there, Yoshiro Ito tried valiantly to contain Kitaoka's relentless ground and pound, along with attempts to pass guard. Round one ended up being a stalemate on the ground, but Ito took many shots. Round two began with an immediate shift in tactics by Ito, as he begun to exploit Kitaoka's weak stand up game with incredible body shots to the midsection of Kitaoka. Kitaoka tried desperately to get Ito to the ground, but Ito stood steadfast and continued to land body punches...After several hard shots, Kitaoka suddenly motioned to the referee and verbally submitted at 2:21 in round two!

THE SECOND MATCH ~ RED CORNER - MASANORI ITO [178 cm / 70 kg / Submission Wrestling / JAPAN] ~VERSUS~ BLUE CORNER - TAKESHI YAMADA [173 cm / 70 kg / Kickboxing / JAPAN]

Takeshi Yamada begun the fight by trying to keep the distance with weak punches and kicks, however, he let his guard down and Ito suddenly shooted in with a takedown catching Yamada by surprise...From there, Ito worked a Keylock and nearly had the hold locked in tight before he suddenly let go of the hold and transitioned into a beautiful knee bar! The knee bar caught Yamada by surprise and quickly the kickboxer submitted without much of a fight!


Yuki Uematsu immediately dropped to guard within the opening seconds of the fight, resulting in almost a minute of posturing from both fighters...However, Uematsu leaped to his feet and landed several sudden blows on Fuchida before taking him down to the mat! Uematsu worked for an armbar, but Fuchida showed his own skills by sweeping Uematsu in the closing seconds of round one before heading into the second round. In the second round, they traded weak blows before Uematsu once again landed a strong shot on Fuchida leading directly to a second takedown. However, Fuchida's guard manages to contain Uematsu from doing any damage or getting progress. However, Uematsu suddenly grabbed Fuchida by the head and yanked violently upwards using his strength to secure a Can Opener on Fuchida! With no recourse, Fuchida submitted before any permanent damage could occur!

THE FOURTH MATCH ~ RED CORNER - JAMES SCOTT [185 cm / 70 kg / Freestyle Wrestling / USA] ~VERSUS~ BLUE CORNER - HERNANDO PERRA [183 cm / 70 kg / FREE STYLE / BRAZIL]

James Scott's tactic began evident immediately as he shooted in for a takedown and secured it seconds into the fight. Hernando Perra attempted to use his guard to control the movements of Scott, but Scott used his power to "grind" on Perra, doing some damage and forcing him to loosen his guard until Scott was able to get to side mount at the end of the round but was unable to seal any type of deal before the round could end. However, a blow at the end of the round opened up a cut below one of Perra's eyes that his corner couldn't stop the bleeding from...Scott's game plan remained the same, but Perra was able to keep Scott from getting the takedown. A minute into the round, time was called and the doctor came in to evaluate the cut...After some time, the cut was closed and Perra was allowed to continue. Scott attempted to close the distance, but Perra landed a strong uppercut that rocked Scott, but the American still managed to yank Perra to the ground again. Scott once again began to "grind" on Perra in an attempt to wear the Brazilian out, and the round ended with Scott landing blows on Perra's face. Round Three began quick with Perra throwing blows that rocked Scott, but Scott this time took Perra down a minute in, and unlike the first two rounds proceeded to simply hold Perra down at all costs...Perra tried to fight Scott, but the American's power was too much, and he hugged Perra until the round ended...James Scott did just enough to receive the Unanimous Decision over Hernando Perra...


With the title of "signboard" fighter for CONDOR FC hanging in the balance, both fighters came out swinging. Takase landed a jab, but Nakamura came over the top of that with a cross...This seemed to infuriate Takase who unleashed a brutal assault of crosses, hooks, and uppercuts! Nakamura took all the blows on the chin, and kept fighting as blood began to pour out his face from a cut near his eye. However, Nakamura's favor turned as he caught a kick from Takase and took the Muay Thai fighter to the ground! Takase fought to get free, but Nakamura was able to hold on to him until the round ended, giving Nakamura a welcome respite. Round two began with Takase storming across the ring, only to end up in a clinch with Nakamura...Nakamura then lifted Takase and DROVE him headfirst into the mat! Nakamura stayed in guard for a long portion of time, still trying to clear his head from the assault earlier, but gave Takase time to recover...In the closing portions of Round Two, Nakamura suddenly tried for a Can Opener that Uematsu had used earlier...Takase fought and was able to escape as round two ended! Round three began with a vicious uppercut from Takase that opened Nakamura's cut up further forcing the doctor to come in and deal with it...Nakamura was allowed to continue the fight. Takase landed a jab, but again had no answer for Nakamura's driving takedown...However, Takase managed to fight his way out offt he ground and back up! Nakamura fired a low kick, but Takase countered with a one-two to Nakamura's midsection and head that stunned him! Nakamura retreated, but Takase stormed forward with a stream of punches to Nakamura's face, followed by a clinch and a VICIOUS body punch that made Nakamura crumble to the mat! Instead of finishing, Takase showed his youthful inexperience by letting Nakamura stand back up with seconds left in round three...With that, the third and final round finished...However, despite Nakamura's ground control, Takase had down enough damage to earn a unanimous decision!

Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,119 fans

1. Yoshiro Ito defeated Akira Kitaoka at 2:21 in Round 2 by Verbal Submission from Body Punches
2. Masanori Ito defeated Takeshi Yamada at 1:35 in Round 1 by Submission from a Kneebar
3. Yuki Uematsu defeated Naoyuki Fuchida at 1:59 in Round 2 by Submission with a Can Opener
4. James Scott defeated Hernando Perra by Unanimous Decision
5. Michiyoshi Takase defeated Akashi "Tiger" Nakamura by Unanimous Decision

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